Thursday Roll Call
Hi Lisa!!!
I'm here sitting on pins and needles. I heard from a couple of folks who I have been using as work references and they told me they got a call from the company that I'm hoping will offer me a job.
With any luck, I may get the offer today. I am going nuts with the waiting.

Regards and hugs,

Hi Lisa and the Illinois board,
Today I was off and running. I had a day off from work. I was in a 2 day training session with the trainers in Clearwater Florida. It is about an hour drive from my house to there. So I was exhausted both days of traveling then working then traveling again.
I was supposed to be in Chicago the past 2 days to be with my kid for her birthday but that didnt happen!!!!! I will have to wait till March to come there.
Chanukkah is over and I didnt get myself anythingas I dont need anything. I may buy a new camera by the end of the month though.
My birthday is next Thursday the 20th and we are going to go out for Lobster.We dont go out to dinner to much these days as I am working non stop.
I go to Denver in 5 weeks to see my docs and my friend and maybe close on our house. I hope so. We have a buyer but the mortgage company is taking their sweet time doing what they are supposed to do.
We are doing a short sale.
Anyway that is all going on with me. Carla